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WMG / Aru Shah and the End of Time

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The Sleeper is Kumbhakarna
Kumbhakarna sleeps because he tried to ask Brahma for the deaths of all Devas, but was made to request sleep instead.
  • Jossed; the Sleeper is revealed to have been Duryodhana in a past life, but grew up as a kid named Suyodhana.

The scene that the Sleeper shows Aru relates to Karna
The Sleeper shows Aru a vision of her facing the other four Pandavas, and they all hate her and she hates them. There are only five Pandavas in that scene. Aru constantly mentions Karna, the sixth and eldest Pandava, implying that his reincarnation will show up.

Vishnu's latest incarnation will try to help the Pandavas
The gods are barred from interfering, but the Trimurti are on a different level. Besides, Vishnu advised the Pandavas as Krishna in the Mahabharata.

Aiden Acharya, Aru's crush, is actually...
  • A demon in disguise.
  • Karna, the sixth Pandava.
  • Vishnu. As Krishna, he was Tall, Dark, and Handsome up to eleven; his name means both 'attractive' and 'dark' (the latter was the original meaning, the former because of he was so handsome). One of the first things that Aru notices is his height and his attractiveness.
  • One of the Kaurava brothers reincarnated.
    • Jossed; Aiden is in fact the reincarnation of Queen Draupadi; the wife of the Pandavas. He is mortified upon learning this.

Kara is adopted
Kara can be assumed to be Karna, the sixth Pandava, who sided with Duryodhana (now the Sleeper) in the war because of their friendship. It makes no sense for the third book to be constantly reminding us of how much the Sleeper cared for Aru and never even hint that he might be getting another lady pregnant, and Kara isn't described looking similar to Aru or her mom if we're to think that they're twins. Plus, Krithika probably would have told Aru. Probably. So my theory is that Kara was adopted by the Sleeper because he could see she was a Pandava, right after Aru stopped him from waking Lord Shiva. For all of Aru Shah and the Song of Death and the close to two years following that before Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes began, he was training her to fight against her sisters and, this time, win. Kara looks up to the Sleeper as a father figure because he rescued her from the terrible OFCS, and she's very loyal to him. We can expect either her and Aru to become rivals, or for her to be redeemed through Aru's friendship with her.

Kara is...?
  • Karna, the sixth Pandava
    • Confirmed, she is the reincarnation of Karna.

The final book will have a stinger
  • The Stinger in question being either
    • The often fan-wondered appearance of a The Camp Half-Blood Series character, like Percy Jackson, crossing over into Aru's universe.
    • The arrival of a rep of another Indian faith, like Buddhism or Jainism.
    • A set up for a sequel stories relating to another grand epic of Hindu faith, possibly the Ramayana.
