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Tropers / Rakuen

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Rakuen is a 21 year old anime and video game fan, natively of Illinois. He grew up playing Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy for the NES, and it just kept rolling from there. Then his parents introduced him to Star Trek, which would eventually become an addiction with Deep Space 9. Shortly after he discovered Anime with the Toonami block; that was quite unfortunate as it meant he would be forced to further expand his to-do list.

Presently he is very active in the convention scene, serving as a panelist at various conventions in the Midwest, including Anime Central. He develops and records Whose Line is it Anime, and also has various convention and tournament videos done in his spare time.

When he's not at the conventions or working on his Computer Science degree, he can usually be found on AIM talking with his friends. They are his single most important treasure, and messing with them can be hazardous to your health.

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Pages he's launched:

Pages he's edited:

Pages he's overhauled:
