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Trivia / The Wacky Adventures of Pedro

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  • Executive Meddling: For no apparent reason other than to increase hits to the Boys' Life website, the May 2007 comic appeared online, but not in the actual magazine.
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: One contest encouraged Boys' Life readers to submit Pedro fanart, to help inspire new Wacky Adventures. The resulting story had Pedro use his mirror-turned-time machine to visit a few different time periods (the runner-up drawings), until a crack in the mirror sent his top and bottom halves to AD 71,000 IO and AD 2 Tarentum, Italy, respectively (the grand prize-winning drawing).
  • Outlived Its Creator: Reamer Keller, the first person to draw Pedro in Hitchin' Rack, died in January 1994, but Boys' Life continued to produce comics and merchandise of the burro. Tom Eaton passed away in December 2016, but Boys' Life still published new Wacky Adventures up through its last issue, in December 2020. Scout Life continued the series until February 2022.
  • Series Hiatus: From 2014-'15, Boys' Life reprinted select Wacky Adventures from 1995-2005, out of order, as opposed to new Adventures.
