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Trivia / The Saint Lies in Wait

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  • Died During Production: Car stuntman and stunt coordinator Gil Delamare died while performing a stunt with a topless convertible Renault Caravelle on a highway that was not finished. The car tumble-crashed and he got killed instantly when his head hit the wind deflector. Rémy Julienne then replaced him.
  • Disowned Adaptation: Leslie Charteris did not like this adaptation one bit.
  • Fake Nationality: French actor Jean Yanne as the West German secret service officer Mueller-Strasse.
  • Follow the Leader: This incarnation of The Saint borrows a lot to The Avengers and Les Barbouzes, with its bowler-hatted and umbrella-carrying protagonist and overall kitschy tone on one hand and French parodic take on the Cold War spy genre on the other.
