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Trivia / The Red Chord

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  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Fed Through the Teeth Machine is Gunface's favorite release; by his own admission, it is the closest they ever came to truly capturing all of what he wanted them to sound like.
  • Development Hell: That fifth full-length has allegedly been in the works for years with very little word on its progress beyond vague assurances that they were still a thing; while they have been playing a new song since 2014 and posted several pictures of the band hanging and/or rehearsing with Jon Rice, there has been no other indication that it's actually going to happen, and between Rice's live session work and Tim Brault's tight work schedule and Los Bungalitos taking up most of his minimal free time (not to mention Hivesmasher's return), the drummer situation isn't clear either. Gunface has also expressed some degree of apathy towards getting it done; as far as he's concerned, Fed Through the Teeth Machine was the album that he had been trying to make for their entire career, and he has no idea where to go from there. As of 2022, there is still some interest and the band is approaching it on a "let's see what happens" basis, though Guy refrained from making any definitive statements.
  • Write What You Know: Clients was a loose concept album based around the various psych patients who used to walk into the pharmacy where Guy Kozowyk used to work, as said store was located next to a beauty school, a halfway house, and a group home, as well as (most importantly) a psychiatric hospital. In particular, the line "the penis was from heaven and it went to hell" from "Black Santa" was a quote from the eponymous individual (an older schizophrenic who apparently looked like a black Santa Claus), and Antman was Black Santa's roommate in the group home that they both lived in at the time.
    • "Fixation on Plastics" was inspired by a guest speaker in a children's literature class that Guy Kozowyk had to take in college (likely for his major, as he was an English major). The speaker had written a children's book about the uses of plastic, and Guy apparently just kept asking questions to the point where the professor (who openly disliked him) told him to stop.
    • "You'll be added to the pile of friends behind you" in "Dread Prevailed" was a reference to a time when Greg Weeks and Jonny Fay were playing Rainbow Six Vegas, kept killing enemies and leaving the bodies in a pile, and started shouting "PILE OF FRIENDS!" repeatedly.
    • "Bad Batch" (an unreleased song that was played at the 2014/2015 shows) was inspired by the numerous overdoses that Guy responded to in his early days as a patrolman.
