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Trivia / Superman: The Animated Series S3 E5 "Little Big Head Man"

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  • Creator Backlash: On the DVD Commentary for "Mxyzpixilated", the production team have a low opinion of this episode, which they felt tried and failed to recapture the success of Mxy's first appearance. Bruce Timm even states that literally the only good thing to come out of this episode was getting Gilbert Gottfreid to do his then-famous Bela Lugosi impression from The Howard Stern Show.
    • Timm and company also cite this episode's failure as part of why, despite initial consideration and discussions, they ultimately chose not to have the DCAU Mxy return on Justice League (in addition to having trouble coming up with a good story to justify bringing the imp back one more time).
  • Role Reprise: Gilbert Gottfried returns as the voice of Mr. Mxyzptlk. This also marks Gottfried's final outing as the DCAU incarnation of Mxy (though he would later go on to reprise the role for non-DCAU projects).
  • The Other Darrin: Gspy's VA was Sandra Bernhard in her first appearance; this time, it's Jennifer Hale.
