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Trivia / My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S9 E12 "The Last Crusade"

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  • Ascended Fanon:
    • Same sex couples have been a staple of Fanon years before this episode aired.
    • Wyverns are confirmed to exist as well.
  • Fake Australian: Unlike other Australian-accented characters in the show, including this episode's Shutter Snap, Aunt Holiday is voiced by a non-Australian actress.
  • Recycled Script: The basic layout of the episode is a lot like the Elena of Avalor episode "Captain Turner Returns": a family member who travels a lot returns home, drops news about them moving to the dismay of one of the main characters since it would break the group apart, and they eventually convince them not to move by showing the accomplishments they've done. note 
  • Short Run in Peru: This episode aired in Italy on May 21, 2019, a good 25 days before its actual air date in the USA.
  • Word of Gay: Lofty and Holiday are indeed a couple.
