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Trivia / "it's a small world"

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  • What Could Have Been:
    • When Joan Crawford, then a member of Pepsi's board of directors, first contacted the Disney company about creating the ride for the company's World's Fair exhibit, the Disney employee who received the call declined as the staff was already stretched thin between creating the Carousel of Progress, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, and Magic Skyway attractions for the fair. Crawford happened to bump into Walt Disney in person afterwards and, upon hearing the request he was previously unaware of, immediately agreed.
    • As mentioned on the main page, the original idea for the ride had it playing the anthems of all the countries in it.
    • The Magic Kingdom version was going to receive the added Disney character dolls in 2005, but the management passed the proposal on, feeling that it would be too costly.
    • The idea of a Small World film dates back to the 70s, when it was going to be a Cold War-tinged comedy adventure where the children of UN leaders try to get their parents to stop squabbling through faking mass-kidnapping, only for a war profiteer to try to take advantage of the fear and start a mass conflict.
  • Working Title: "Children of the World"
