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Trivia / IWBTG Fangames

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  • Creator Backlash: Tijit, creator of I Wanna Be The Engine, and Yosniper, creator of I Wanna Be The Better Engine, have deleted their engines and tried to have all postings of them removed or banned, due to the numerous crappy "fangames" being made with them.

  • Follow the Leader: There are many, many lesser known fangames, especially since the release of Tijit's I Wanna Be The Engine.

  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Many fangames made over the years have had their download links disappear either because of the sites hosting the files going under or the creator(s) deleting the links themselves. Or in some cases, the games were never shared publicly to begin with. These are called “private games” by the community. If a fangame you want to play is private, you better hope the creator or someone in the community that has it can be contacted and is willing to give it to you, otherwise you're SOL. Notable examples include
    • I wanna be the ichor and I wanna be the ichor easymode, created by SAKI, known for having one of the screens from easymode used in ''I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3''.
    • Any games that were made by Leehe, such as I Wanna be the Humanic, have become this after he left the community due to drama and deleted the links to all of his games.
    • PSIFT: A Post-Structuralist Ironic Fangame Title, made by Katz and Derf for Yosniper's 2015 fangame contest, was never publicly released, making it very hard to find online. There are two known versions, one called the cornBlack edition (which is impossible to beat without knowing a cheat code due to a bug making so that you can only earn bronze medals) and the alpha edition.
    • Some games created by Ef, such as the entirety of her Phantom Needle series, also fall under this.
