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Trivia / Face Raiders

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  • Game Mod: One YouTuber by the name of Victor has modded the game and changed things like the enemy behavior and the music.
  • Dummied Out: The game has many unused graphics and enemy behaviors.
    • The Diver was meant to take 8 hits, but was shortened to 5.
      • The texture for the Diver's numbers, face_kan_nall has a 6, 7 and 8 on it. However, only half of the 8 can be seen, like with the skull.
    • The X-Spike, Rectangle Face, Flip Face, Paddle and Beetle have some unused code which made them Golden Raiders. When the back of the Golden Raider X-Spike is shot, it crashes the game. The code for this behavior was probably left unfinished.
    • The Panel Face has several unused behaviors, those being one that spins around, one that grows, one that goes up and down and a vertical rectangle face.
    • The Switch Raiders have an unused green side which can't be killed, even with a bomb. It is possible Nintendo never used this behavior because it was obviously impossible to defeat.
    • There are also two unused placeholder textures. dummy8x8 is possibly a placeholder, but this might not be true because of the file's size. In a file in the game called pnote.bctex, there is a dummy texture called Dummy 256.
