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Funny / Face Raiders

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  • Nothing prevents you from using faces from pictures of famous people, or fictional characters. In fact, it doesn't even need to be an actual face. Depending on your tastes, it can lead to really funny results.
  • Every boss in the game gains a Funny Afro upon defeat after their suit explodes. The same goes for the final boss... except in a twist of events, the afro is another machine that makes the boss Nigh-Invulnerable, complete with disco music.
  • Sometimes, the blue side of a Switch Raider will crash into the screen if you leave it alone. It's even funnier as the Switch Raider gains kiss lips.
  • Some of the title scene cutscenes are really funny.
    • The chorus cutscene involves four Basic Raiders singing. One sings off-key and the others yell at the fourth Basic Raider, then fly off.
    • The final cutscene has several Basic Raiders playing Red Light Green Light, and how they lose is funny.
      • Two Basic Raiders accidentally twitch.
      • One Basic Raider is startled by another one sneezing.
      • The only Basic Raider left manages to stay in the game the longest, and continues, only to find out that the Basic Raider at the end stopped.
    • The bowling cutscene. It involves Basic Raiders lined up in a triangle. Then, a giant Basic Raider rolls right into them and knocks them down.
    • One cutscene has two Basic Raiders loop-de-looping, only to loop right into each other.
    • The Simon Says game cutscene. Three small Basic Raiders are copying a big one. The big Basic Raider makes a face and the small ones copy the big one. The big Basic Raider wiggles its mouth. The small ones do just that. They look at each other as if to say "I think we can do better". They do it again.
