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  • Artist Disillusionment: The mod's main charter, Birdbonanza, has vocally called out people using the mod to romanticize dementia or barge into channels meant for serious discussion of the condition as it occurs in reality in response to outrage against those groups by other people in the Friday Night Funkin' community.
  • Fan-Work Ban: The mod's Gamebanana page includes two related requests:
    • First, fan content that uses the mod's assets needs to relate back to the mod itself in some manner. This means that content which is simply "Boyfriend has dementia" is off the table.
    • Secondly, content that seeks to romanticize dementia or its symptoms is heavily discouraged, with things such as roleplays explicitly falling into this.
  • Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things: Comments on the mod page were disabled in response to extreme amounts of friction over whether or not the mod could be considered offensive in regards to its portrayal of dementia.
