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Trivia / Dominions

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  • Development Hell: Muspelheim (the faction) has been an idea for the game since Dominions 2, and didn't get into the game until Dominions 6. All this time, it had an unused Nation ID slot saved for it; however, all of the nations were reorganized with Dominions 6's release, with all of the Norse-themed nations moved the bottom of the above-water list to have Muspelheim at the bottom anyway.
  • Dummied Out: The biggest instance of dummying-out in the series has been the Asmeg. These half-Aesir Vanir were key to one of the four "themes" of Vanheim in Dominions 2, and didn't make it into Dominions 3.
    • An obscure event in Dominions 5 suggests that the reworked Jotunheim was going to work more like Ubar, gaining access to its Thrymsgodar and Thrymshirdings sometime after the start of the game. The description mentions that the lesser Gygjas would become recruitable in all forts only after said access was gained, however; the event does nothing of the sort, currently just returning a site back to Jotunheim if it somehow loses it.
  • What Could Have Been: Only 12 factions were planned for the original Dominions at first; Pythium's mage-priests were originally part of Arcoscephale, while Marignon's mage-priests were originally part of Ulm (which was under the title of "Laurenax"). Ultimately both Arcoscephale and Laurenax were split, bringing the total number of starting factions up to 14.
