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Trivia / Britannica's Tales Around the World

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  • Colbert Bump: The series itself was rather obscure, as only people who bought the original tapes know about its existence. The series did gain a DVD release in the United Kingdom sometime in 2006, but would soon become infamous after Brightspark Productions re-released the "Hansel and Gretel/Rapunzel" DVD as "Tangled Up" in 2011 to try and cash in and mislead consumers into thinking that the content was Disney's Tangled. This, alongside another DVD titled "Braver" which used the same cover tactic (and was in reality a re-release of the 2005 film A Fairy Tale Christmas), alongside releases of actual mockbusters like The Little Cars, led to Brightspark getting into legal trouble with Disney. When reviewed by I Hate Everything and Phelous, the series gained further infamy.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Sometime after the episodes were released on VHS, they were later re-edited and cut out the segments with Pat Morita.
