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Tearjerker / A Meaningful Sacrifice

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Oh boy...

  • Park Seong-min's death. She sacrifices herself to save Joon-yeong, leaving both him and Soo-wi orphaned. Before this, it's very clearly shown that she was a Reasonable Authority Figure who doesn't love Joonyeong any less for his hambie status. In the aftermath, her son can only let out all his grief on Gwi-nam. Him and Woo-jin end up making her a grave before returning to the others, all of whom are quite solemn. Soo-wi falls asleep and when she wakes up, believes it was all a terrible dream.
  • The chapter following her death elaborates more on her life; She had a Friendless Background up until she befriends Soo-wi's namesake. They soon fall in love, which is quite difficult given their country's homophobia. Her parents both die when she's still quite young, leaving her to look after her younger sister. And then, most damningly of all, Soo-wi is killed by a car a few days before they graduate, to her devastation. She eventually falls in love again with a man and has two kids... and then the zombie apocalypse happens, her husband dies, her son is now a zombie hybrid, and her children are targeted by Gwinam.
  • Joon-yeong's nightmare about killing Woojin. He's finally gotten together with his crush (and is unknowingly in love with him) when they overhear Captain Ahn's Fantastic Racism over how dangerous hambies are. Then, he dreams about having a life with Woo-jin when, in a moment when he lets down his guard, he kills his boyfriend. His dream self can only sob and beg his zombie to stop. He wakes up sobbing while being cuddled by a blissfully asleep Woo-jin.
  • The Alternate Universe I'll take a quiet life. All of it. Soowi is dead, at the age of nine years old. Joon-yeong's reaction to seeing her zombie is just awful, he hugs the zombie to him and sobs until Nam-ra has no choice but to kill the little girl herself. Joonyeong insists on watching despite her protests letting out a Big "NO!" when it's done. He is Driven to Suicide by his grief and is in such a bad state he's convinced his deceased family hates him. He finally jumps off the same roof where Eomma died. Even if you consider the alternate ending, where Woojin saves him, he's still going to live with the grief of his little sister forever...
  • Joonyeong's panic attack after meeting Eunji. He's forever changed now that he's a hambie and that could have been prevented if not for Cheol-soo. In addition, both Jimin and Eomma could have survived had they ended up in the camp sooner but because of the actions of a selfish boy, it wasn't meant to be.
  • Dae-su's family is fatphobic and belittles him, making him believe that he won't amount to anything. His sister teases him and makes light of his experiences with the zombies.
  • Woo-jin's backstory. He was sexually harassed by some older boys as a middle schooler, leading to him becoming very secretive over his sexuality. He was aware that his parents and other adults would be unsympathetic to his plight so didn't tell anyone. Only Ha-ri knew, as she was the one to put a stop to the boys' harassment, and they bonded over both being gay. However, he was The Unfavorite to parents who preferred his older sister, and ended up fading into the background.
  • His grief over his parents. Even Joonyeong is a little confused as to why he'd be so sad over them but it doesn't change the fact that his boyfriend is devastated. He sobs in Joon-yeong's arms.
  • What's worse is that he loses Ha-ri over her decision to keep quiet over it. She was the only member of their family who truly cared about him and always had his back, and they end up having a horrible fight that involved throwing every insult they could think of at each other, just wanting to hurt. And leading up to the reveal that she'd known all along, Woo-jin is determined to be a good brother for her, making it even worse.
  • Joon-yeong and On-jo staying behind while the rest of the kids go off to find out what happened to their families, already knowing that they are orphaned by the apocalypse.
  • She may be crazy, but there's something so haunting about Eun-ji's ending. There's no saving her, no rescuing her from the military's clutches, the only thing Joonyeong can do is make peace and leave her. Despite her spite and bloodlust, there is something very human about her, as shown by her kinder demeanor when Joon-yeong visits her a second time, brought on by witnessing his anxiety attack. She was ultimately too traumatized by being bullied that she became her worst self and there's... no helping her.
  • Joon-yeong thinking of the memorial they made for their friends as the kids leave the camp. To him, it feels like losing them a second time. He thinks of each of his fallen friends and starts to cry.
  • The reveal that Joon-yeong's anxiety attacks have started again while in quarantine. At night he has to drag himself to the bathroom as to not alert the other boys. Woo-jin isn't at all aware of this, instead thinking that the nights they spent together in the apartment were more ideal with them cuddling each night, not knowing of his boyfriend's torment.
  • Joon-yeong's panic attacks are just brutal. When he gets home, he actually blacks out in the bathroom because of one of them.
