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Tear Jerker / Magnificent Century

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  • Mustafa’s death. He is framed by Hürrem and Mihrimah for crimes he didn’t commit. As he dies, he cries for his father.
    • Shortly after Mustafa dies, Mahidevran and Mihrunnisa’s carriage is intercepted. Mustafa’s young son Mehmet is kidnapped, as his mother screams for him, and he is never seen again.
    • Mihrunnisa committing suicide in front of Hürrem.
  • Mihrimah is forced to marry Rustem, who is clearly predatory towards her. She does not want to marry him and has tears in her eyes.
  • Huricihan’s death. She threatened Nurbanu, who hit her on the head. She almost tells Bayezid who injured her before dying.
    • Hürrem, being blackmailed by Nurbanu, is forced to make Rana, the mother of Bayezid’s children, a scapegoat for the crime, and has her hanged.
  • Bayezid’s death. Selim twists the knife even more by coercing him to beg for his sons’ lives. Then Selim has all four of Bayezid’s sons executed in front of him before finally strangling Bayezid.
    • In prison, Bayezid told his sons they would get out, which is even more a tear jerker when you know they don’t.
    • When Selim tells Bayezid to beg for his sons lives, one of them shakes his head at Bayezid, telling him not to.
    • Nurbanu comes after Defne and Mehmet. Defne, after threatening Nurbanu with a knife, kills herself and Mehmet to avoid being executed.
  • Cihangir, the nicest of the princes, dies in despair and pain over Mustafa’s death.
  • During the Battle of Mohacs, Suleyman comforts a dying child in his final moments, then places a sword on his body to commemorate his memory.
