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Tear Jerker / I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

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  • The content of her diary - The Disease Coexistence Journal. It was read by the protagonist during a visit after her funeral.
    • This was just as much so in-universe, prompting the otherwise stoic protagonist to ask Sakura's mother. "Ma'am, is it okay for me to cry now?"
  • During the scene in the hotel, when Sakura briefly implies she ultimately IS afraid of dying.
  • The incident in Sakura's home, where the protagonist slams her on the bed in a fit of rage, with the implication that he was about to rape her. It wasn't until he sees her crying that he realizes what he's doing is wrong and runs out in shame.
  • The protagonist admitting that Sakura should go find someone more interesting to hang out with. It obviously doesn't pan out.
  • The implication that Sakura and the main character have romantic feelings for one another, but ultimately don't act on them due to Sakura's illness.
  • Sakura's random death at the hands of the murderer.
    • Ironically, what makes it harder is that it happens off-screen, and the protagonist finds out from the news. Which means that the protagonist doesn't have the opportunity to spend his final moments with her, cradling her body or anything like that.
  • Kyoko breaking down into tears after reading The Disease Coexistence Journal.
