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Sandbox / Darksilverhawk

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This is Darksilverhawk's sandbox, a giant unorganized mess of ideas I want to come back to later, page drafts, tentative YKTT Ws, and partial examples.

There's a trope in here somewhere, but it may take some refining. Either way, here goes. Inspired by the subtitles YKTTW, but this is not that.

Modern video games can do amazing things within the game engines, and developers have taken advantage of that. Ordinary conversations can be brought to life by showing characters acting normally through the conversation, using the game engine to give a short cutscene of the event. Whether a casual conversation with an Unlucky Childhood Friend or a dramatic show down with the Big Bad, characters can confront their companions in full motion... one button press at a time.

Sometimes, that entire dramatic scene is played out through written dialogue boxes, advanced one a a time by the player. Sometimes the character will give some Voice Grunting and then stand still until their next line. Other times they'll move their mouths randomly or wave their arms until the next

Polarity is a first-person puzzle game
