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Sandbox / Comic Book Hulk 2099

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Hulk 2099 is a comic book from the Marvel 2099 imprint of Marvel Comics.

Set in 2099, in an alternate future of the Marvel Universe, it stars John Eisenhart, the titular Hulk. Eisenhart was first introduced in Twenty Ninety Nine Unlimited, an Anthology Comic for the 2099 setting. His stories there swiftly led to a solo comic by the same creative team.

Hulk 2099 contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Legacy Character: Eisenhart is a 2099 successor to Bruce Banner, the original Hulk. Like Banner, he's transformed by gamma radiation, becoming a green-skinned superhuman with Super-Strength and a short temper. Eisenhart's Hulk is rather more reptilian in appearance than the original, though.
