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Recap / Zero 2 A Revision C 6 Revelations

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This is Yolei. While Davis got his ear chewed out by the principal for breaking a window, we went to investigate a weak sector...but it was actually a trap! When Davis came, the Emperor offered him an ultimatum...let us die, or let himself die! He actually chose the latter…but the Emperor tried to kill us all anyway! Thankfully, a strange guy and a Digimon saved us all and sent the Emperor running…and he introduced himself as Shaun.

Moments after the Digidestined is saved from the death trap, Shaun and (Agumon) immediately introduces himself along with (Agumon), however, due to knowing a bit too much about the Digidestined along with Gennai, they became wary and distrustful of him to the point that after beating Davis into submission, Shaun decides to teleport the Digidestined away from the Digital World.

After reporting this entire new incident to Izzy, the Digidestined decides to rest for the night. Davis is quite wary of the new Digidestined after being beaten in one punch. Cody is also as distrustful and wary of Shaun. Yolei could not sleep due to the Emperor having bitten her in the ear earlier. Kari saw that Shaun looks a lot like Tai at a glance. TK is quickly deduced that Shaun is obviously hiding even more facts than he is telling them. The Emperor is growling at the fact that Shaun knows his nickname, plotting to find a way to get rid of him.

The next day, after having Yolei caught in an embarassing incident during the science class, all of the five Digidestined gathered up in a computer room without Izzy, Cody propose heading to sector 01-110-EPSILON as the rugged terrain means that there are not as much enemies, much to the displeasure of Davis.

Unfortunately, having landed in a dogpile, Gatomon and Yolei quickly accuse Davis and Veemon as the cause of being landed like that (When Davis is absent, the others landed just fine for once). Davis and Veemon quickly plots revenge only for Shaun to suddenly appear and rebukes them for such plans. Shaun then propose a plan to get rid of all the Deltamons outside along with the spire which all of them reluctantly followed; Cody attacks the Deltamon underground with Yolei providing air support, TK and Kari destroy the control spire after distractions are made, Davis goes with Shaun in providing support against the Deltamon. They succeed in destroying all of the Dark Rings and break down the Control Spire much to the displeasure of the Emperor, who then decides to enact his Evil Plan to outwit the new Digidestined.
