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Recap / Yu Gi Oh VRAINS Ep 87 Chain Destruction

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Spectre was able to use Judgment Arrows to his advantage and destroy Lightning's Extra Link, turning the tide of the Duel in his favor. With his Sunavalon towering over the field, Spectre launches a fierce attack against Lightning, and does everything he can to carry out the Knights of Hanoi's mission to destroy the Ignis.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Spectre taking "Judgment Arrows" for himself backfires on him hard, as when Lightning reclaims possession of it, all Monsters it pointed to prior to leaving the Field are destroyed (along with both "Sunvine Thrashers"), leaving "Sunavalon Dryanome" vulnerable to an attack, which Lightning does to finish off Spectre.
  • Rage Breaking Point: While it doesn't get as bad compared to Playmaker and Spectre's Duel, Spectre nevertheless loses his composure and curses Lightning for banishing "Sunavalon Dryanome".
  • Sorry That I'm Dying: Spectre can do little but to apologise to Revolver before getting his consciousness data taken by Lightning.
  • Title Drop: Lightning drops the episode title name after returning "Judgment Arrows" to his hand, referring to how its removal from the field will result in the destruction of most of Spectre's field.
  • The Worf Effect: Lightning wipes the floor with Spectre, to once again demonstrate the threat Lightning and his organisation pose to humanity. Lightning wasn't lying when he deduced that Spectre was the weakest of the five members in Playmaker's group.
