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Recap / Vampirina S 2 E 15

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Bat Got Your Tongue

Vee loses her voice right before the Ghoul Girls are to perform in Transylvania.


  • An Aesop: Telling the truth will solve any problem.
  • Curse Escape Clause: Vee's sore throat can only be healed if she "speaks the truth".
  • Lost Voice Plot: Vee's voice becomes hoarse on the day of a Ghoul Girls concert when she sang too much the previous day. Gregoria uses a potion that can restore it if she admits some kind of truth. Larry Moss, the music manager, says that she can lip sync while Poppy sings backstage. Vee accepts at first, but she feels guilty, confesses, and then gets her voice back.

Haunted Theater

During a field trip to a haunted theater on its last day, Vee and her friends meet a ghost who's behind all the haunting.

