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Even though she's moved to Ponyville for good, Twilight Sparkle still has a room back in the Canterlot Archives full of personal possessions, which the Archives would like her to kindly remove for the new resident librarian. If she fails to get her property before the deadline, the Archives will keep them.

The deadline is almost here, and Twilight still hasn't moved anything.

In desperation, Spike gets the other Bearers together in order to "help" Twilight move everything out. But that still raises the question: why has the usually so driven and dutiful Twilight been procrastinating so badly over this particular task?

Read it here.

Tropes found in this story include:

  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Twilight is well aware that her ambiguous disorder makes her less than socially adept...
    "I don't know how to be friends," Twilight whispered into Pinkie's curly mane. "I tell myself I'm learning lessons. I write letters. But I still don't know. I don't know if I'm doing things right most of the time, or if I'm getting things wrong. I try to follow what I've learned, I try to act -— a little more like all of you —- and hope some of it makes a difference. But I don't know and I don't hardly ever understand, not enough. And sooner or later, I'm going to do something stupid or say the wrong thing or both, and -— it'll be gone. It'll all be gone. Like I just woke up after the best dream of my life, only I remembered all of it and could never have it back, I can't even return here anymore and pretend. I'm going to screw up and I won't have a home, any home, I'll just remember having one and it'll be worse than anything ever, worse than Nightmare..."
  • It Came from the Fridge: Seeing Twilight's old kitchen and fridge repulses Pinkie Pie, who can only wonder aloud just how Twilight survived before coming to Ponyville.
  • The Moving Experience: The cornerstone of the fic as a whole, if tweaked a little from the norm.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Spike and the Bearers grow increasingly suspicious about why Twilight, of all ponies, seems so... disorganized about this task.
  • Wham Line: Twilight finally reveals why she doesn't want to take her stuff out of the Archives with a single poignant sentence...
    Twilight Sparkle: "Because when I finally screw it up with everypony here, I won't have anywhere to go back to!"
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: After Twilight's bout of Heroic Self-Deprecation, her friends waste no time in asserting that she's giving herself far too little credit.
