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Recap / The Librarians S 4 E 02 And The Steal Of Fortune

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Jacob and Ezekiel visit an old friend of Jacob's and quickly realize that the entire town is down on its luck after visiting a local racetrack/casino.


  • And I Must Scream: Fortuna was conscious in her statue form and had to deal with all manner of desperate gamblers groping her statue for any sort of luck.
  • Foreshadowing: As they enter the casino, the Librarians pass by an empty pedestal with twisted wires labeled "Lady Luck", indicating that Fortuna was originally there but came to life.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Bennie ends up helping the Librarians stop Fortuna, having grown tired of her abuse.
  • Motive Misidentification: Upon capturing Cassandra, Fortuna is convinced that she was sent by Jupiter or one of the other Gods to undermine her.
  • Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught: Ezekiel hacks a slot machine to win, while Cassandra uses her ability to predict where the ball will land at the roulette table. Cheating turns out to be the only way to break Fortuna's spell, as it doesn't rely on luck.
  • Red Herring: Bennie Konopka's ring isn't the luck-stealing artifact. His supposed girlfriend is. She's Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck.
  • Taken for Granite: Getting everyone at the racetrack/casino to win at the same time results in Fortuna's spell to be broken over everyone, and she turns back into a bronze statue.
  • What Have I Done: According to Jacob, this was Jupiter's reaction to finding out that Fortuna was planning to force the world to be ruled by the whims of chance, after granting her the power to change the world. As punishment, he turned her into a bronze statue to be placed in all casinos across history. Understandably, she's a little bitter about that.
    • Bernie is also guilty about having unleashed Fortuna on the world as the full scope of her wrath becomes clear.
  • Winds of Destiny, Change!: Fortuna is able to steal the luck of anyone she kisses, even if that's just blowing them a kiss on a TV screen.
