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Recap / The Good Wife S 3 E 0 Feeding The Rat

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A man is witness to a robbery, but another witness claims it was him robbing the store. Eli offers Kalinda a job. The State's Attorney's office brings in someone from AUSA who points out that Cary offers deals to white drug dealers but not to black ones.


  • Call-Back: To "Conjugal", which first took up how witnesses tend to get features of people of other races wrong.
  • Central Theme: Subtle racism. The case is about a black witness maybe mistaking a white robber for a white witness; Cary works with a lady whose job is to make sure his office treats people of different races equally.
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: Julius tries to tell Diane why they're still doing pro bono work, though she pretty clearly knows they're still a member of the bar association.
  • Title Drop: The lawyer who is negotiating a merger tells Will that sooner or later he has to feed the rat.
