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Recap / The Good Fight S 04 E 05

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The Gang Goes to War

A soldier who is a friend of Caleb testifies in court that his seargant acted a lot like a serial killer during his Afghanistan tour, in the process admitting that he saboraged the man's rifle. Lucca hangs out with her wealthy client on her private island. Caleb wants to defend his friend in court, and Liz gets assigned to assist him.


  • Call-Back:
    • Liz and Caleb feel slightly awkward working together alone after they had sex in the previous episode.
    • Leora Kuhn, the presiding judge in this episode, was the military judge that Alicia and Will argued before in The Good Wife.
    • Diane meets the lawyer who was defending Harvey Weinstein in her dream in the season premiere.
  • Creepy Souvenir: Sgt. Meyer allegedly pulled a tooth from each of his victims in Afghanistan and kept them in a jar.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: President Trump officially pardons Sgt. Meyer on social media. This means Meyer can no longer plead the fifth to avoid self-incrimination when asked about his actions in Afghanistan when called to testify at Laney's trial, and has to answer truthfully that he knew his sniper rifle was working properly after Laney tried to sabotage it because he'd practiced with it the following morning. Therefore, Laney's sabotage attempt can't have resulted in Meyer shooting the translator, and Laney's found not guilty of negligent homicide.
  • Shout-Out: Ouhlam was a fan of LeBron James.
