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Recap / The Golden Girls S 06 E 11 Stand By Your Man

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The unexpected happens when Blanche tries to break up with her boyfriend, a paraplegic.


  • Do Wrong, Right: When Blanche describes a Book Burning in her hometown:
    Blanche: The townspeople made a big pile of 'em out in front of the library, and they threw a torch on top. Only, Big Daddy was outraged. He fought his way through that crowd, clawed his way to the top of that pile, grabbed that lit torch, and turned to that crowd and said, "What are you people doin'? This is lunacy. You start a fire from the bottom!"
  • Ignore the Disability:
    Ted: Blanche, are you nervous?
    Blanche: Nervous? Me? [dismissive tone] Wheelchair!
  • Overly Narrow Superlative: Blanche eventually breaks up with Ted, not because he's in a wheelchair, but because he's married. Afterward, she promises to "never pick up another man... in a library... on a Saturday... unless he's cute... and drives a nice car." She then smiles sweetly and adds, "Amen."
