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Recap / The Adventures Of Puss In Boots S 06 E 05 Pajuna Serves Spirits

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Directed by: Bob Suarez

Written by: Michael Rhea

Wanting something to do to pass the time during a rainy day, Pajuna suggests she communes with the spirit realm for some fortune telling, but gets more than she bargained for when she accidentally summons a horde of spirits who all want revenge on Puss in Boots.


  • Almost Kiss: Puss and Dulcinea lean in to kiss after defeating the ghosts, but the citizens interrupt them with celebration.
  • Call-Back: When the spirits trap Puss in their dimension, they taunt him as it is an underwater realm and Puss can't swim. Puss retorts that he actually has learned how to swim recently.
  • Ghostly Goals: In a sense. Due to the nature of the incantation Pajuna used, anybody possessed by a ghost can be freed from its control by being given their heart's desire. Dulcinea thus reasons out that the ghosts themselves can be defeated by being given their heart's desire.
  • The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: This turns out to be what is going on with the ghost infestation: the swarm of ghosts are the spirits of every fish Puss has ever eaten and they want to get revenge by eating him.
  • Insistent Terminology: When the spirits manage to open a portal in San Lorenzo, Puss insists it be referred to a gateway as he is still not over the bad experience he had with the last portal in San Lorenzo.
  • Punny Title: The title refers to spirits as in ghosts, but Pajuna also runs a bar, so spirits could have been taken to mean alcoholic beverages if she served anything other than milk.
  • Ship Tease: When Dulcinea becomes possessed, Puss accidentally frees her when refusing to fight her; Her heart's desire was to hear Puss call her beautiful.
