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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 041

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Rentarou introduces Mimimi to the rest of the harem, and Mimimi decides to beautify the other girls. After some quick makeup for Kusuri, Mimimi gets the idea for the girls to kiss Rentarou one by one in order to stimulate hormones that in her mind enhance beauty, with Kusuri offering a "makes kisses feel extra amazing" lip balm.

Nano goes first, with the sensation bringing her to her knees. Kusuri is next, and she's so entranced that she goes for seconds until she leaks. She is subsequentle followed by Mei, who kneels like a dog as a result, and then Hahari, who starts stripping before Hakari and Karane tackle her away. Iku fights to remain standing as the sensation courses through her body, while Karane hugs Rentarou hard enough to crack his spine. While Iku tests the strength of Karane's hug, Kurumi nearly goes for a French kiss until Rentarou reminds her about Shizuka, who almost floats away as a result of her kiss. Hakari is knocked out by a Horny Nosebleed, and when she recovers, she mistakes Karane for Rentarou and kisses her while Hahari snaps pictures of them. And finally, Mimimi becomes overcome with euphoric emotions as she feels her beauty skyrocket.

The girls keep cycling through kisses with Rentarou until everyone's art style changes.


  • Art Shift: The result of all the kisses with Kusuri's lip balm; the girls look like they're from a shoujo romance manga, while Rentarou is transformed into a classical Greek statue.
  • Drugged Lipstick: Kusuri’s "makes kisses feel extra amazing" lip balm.
  • Shout-Out: Rentarou's kiss causes Mimimi to suddenly appear naked on a sparkly background, and two of the other girls ask if this has become a cooking manga.
