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Recap / Petals To The Metal Chapter Three

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"Goonies never say die... but dungeon masters do! Ooo... it's The Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

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In this installment, the question isn't 'Will our heroes survive,' it's, 'What's going to kill them first?' Our money's on either the elevator shaft full of sentient vines, or the godlike criminal waiting for them at the top of said shaft. Magnus has an embarrassing pants accident. Taako runs out of juice. Merle goes walking in Memphis.


  • Curbstomp Battle: The battle against the Raven does not go well for the party.
  • Wardrobe Malfunction: While Magnus is holding onto a rope in the elevator shaft, Taako is holding onto his feet and tries to climb him to get onto the rope. Instead, Taako grabs Magnus's belt and accidentally pulls his pants down to his ankles before losing his grip.
