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Recap / NYPD Blue - S1 E5

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Directed by Michael M Robin

Written by Ted Mann

When Martinez comes to take his brother Roberto to a detox facility, he discovers that the cop super of the building that Roberto lives in, named Jack Hanlon is harassing tenants to force them out. The super then murders the old man who had been looking out for Roberto, prompting Martinez to take action against Hanlon that would put him on track to be exiled to IAB. Kelly steps in to prevent that from happening. Meanwhile, practical joker detective and gambling addict Art Stillwell spends the last of his money on practical jokes at the precinct, forcing Fancy to take him to get psychiatric help.

  • Addled Addict: Roberto has a bad problem with a heroin.
  • Internal Affairs: An IAB friend of Kelly's asks Martinez to wear a wire so that Hanlon will confess to his crimes. Kelly then tries a videotape method to save Martinez's career.
  • Jerkass and Killer Cop: Hanlon is a racist cop who is stuck in the past and addresses both Martinez brothers with racial slurs before finding out James is also a cop. He also harasses minority tenants to force them out, and is willing to resort to murder to do so.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Both Kelly and Sipowicz tell this to Hanlon after he's busted.
