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Recap / My Superhero Academy So Thank You For Taking A Chance On Me

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My Superhero Academy Crisis of Infinite Reboots - So Thank You For Taking A Chance On Me

Reverand Strygg: God in Heaven never deigned for mere mortals to possess such power. These "superheroes" are not the sons of God the way we are, but they are the sons of Satan! They worship the Devil! Some are even foul Demons, unsaveable creatures of the pit! Donate NOW to I, Reverend Strygg, and we will FIGHT for humanity! We are the BLESSED sons of God!
Ash: Dude, I think you fit in enough with our crap to be friends... And... s***, is that the first time I've called any of you friends? Holy... #$&% I'm such an asshole...
Alice: My own son! Married! And he didn't even TELL ME! What kind of son have I raised!? She sobbed loudly, pressing her face into the apron she was wearing, almost on purpose from how dramatic it was. I COULD HAVE AT LEAST MADE YOUR WEDDING CAKE!
Dante: Ahahahaha! Welcome, my guests, to the Iridescent! Wonderful! RAAAAACE! In this race, the ones who compete will be: Me! Dante Precossini, your Carnival Prince! Sally Martel, the Mecha-Girl! Ever Green, the Yggdrasil! Mahvash Matten Mattiuza, the daeva hero! Aster Constantine, who takes the name of Avajax, her awesome ancestor! Ryuu Fuuji, the Green Dragon! And Iris Langley, the Sightseer! So these are the competitors! Wait some minutes, and you will enjoy this incredible race...
Sally: I just need to remember I am not alone. I have Mother and my squad. Besides, we can make things a little better. I will be okay!
Yoko: If all else fails I could become a bottle of vodka. I get the feeling that'd backfire, though...
Sam: Does anyone here speak Drunk?
Ash: Yup. Totes me. Oh my god I just said ‘screw you’ to a deity. An' it ain't even Halo Girl this time. Holy s*** that feels awesome
Thor: However, if you lose, you will be my eternal bartenders in Valhalla once you die and trust me, you will never have dead period of work. How about it?
Martin: Do you have any idea what that building is going to do to the property value around here? No one will be able to afford it, and anyone who did would run out the people who live here in order to preserve it. You didn't build a house, you built a...a...a monument to arrogance!

  • First Post: 23 January 2019
  • Short Synopsis: The students of Class 1 are assigned to various works of charity. Specifically, Squad 1 cleans a park. The Iridium Wonders run a race (to raise money). Squad 3 builds a house. Squad 4 does some volunteer firefighting.


  • Heroic BSoD: Sally has it after helping stop a mass shooting.
