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Recap / My Little Pony 'n Friends E18: "The Glass Princess 3"

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In Porcina's base, the raptorians shear off their captives' manes and are surprised and delighted to see them instantly grow back, as this means they won't need to go back and grab more ponies for their hair. Lickety Split, Heart Throb and Gusty are promptly chained to spinning wheels and looms to start working their hair into patches for Porcina's cloak, and the repairs are done in short order. The raptorians celebrate briefly, and then head off to deliver the cloak to the sorceress.

The rescue party heads into a cave and eventually arrives at a hole that lets them peer into the prisoners' workshop. They press too much onto the glass wall and it shatters, dropping them into the room. As they meet up with the prisoners, Shady and Molly arrive but stay out of sight, as Shady has decided not to alert others to their presence in order to serve as a potential backup and perhaps save the day by herself. The prisoners meanwhile explain the situation to the rescuers, and as they mention the cloak and its repairs Shady looks at the hair still on the floor and has an idea.

The raptorians hand the repaired cloak to Porcina, who eagerly uses it to turn everything in Ponyland to glass, much to the locals' consternation. As she admires her work through her magic mirror, the raptorians suggest doing the same to Ponyland's inhabitants. Porcina agrees with the idea and quickly does so, and on the raptorians' further suggestion heads off for some beauty sleep. With their boss out of the room, the raptorians quickly ease themselves into her throne and gloat over how soon, they will have Ponyland for themselves.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Hair Reboot: After being shaved off by the raptorians, the ponies' mane grow back to full length in a few seconds. Their captors are delighted by this development, as it means they can just harvest hair indefinitely from their captives to repair the magic cloak without need to kidnap more.
  • Made a Slave: After being shaved, Lickety Split, Heart Throb and Gusty are chained to machines and forced to make Porcina's new cloak on pain of being turned to glass themselves.
  • Shout-Out: The title and refrain of the episode's song, "Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave", is taken from Marmion, an 1808 poem by Sir Walter Scott.
    "Oh! what a tangled web we weave
    When first we practise to deceive!"
  • Villain Song: The raptorians' half of "Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave", where they describe their plans to deceive Porcina for their own ends.
