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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S2E46 Return of the Green Ranger Part 3

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In the 1700s, the five Ranger teens are powerless against a trio of human-sized rats, as the British redcoats remain on their tail! In the present, the White Ranger must use his White Tigerzord against the evil Green Ranger clone's Dragonzord. Can history be repeated, and Tommy turned to the side of good once more?


  • Batman Gambit: Tommy pulls off a brilliant one when he pretends to surrender and beg to be sent to where the other Rangers were sent, causing the Green Ranger to reveal the time they were in, allowing Alpha to find them.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Tom Oliver is implied to lose his Green Ranger powers once he’s left in the past.
  • Generation Xerox: It appears that Bulk & Skull's ancestors have become friends. Whether or not the Rangers' presence in the past caused their descendants to become friends in the first place, or if it only strengthened their already established friendship even more is anyone's guess.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The Wizard of Deception is ultimately destroyed by his own wand.
  • I Choose to Stay:
    • The Green Ranger chooses to stay in Colonial Angel Grove to do some good.
    • When Tommy arrives in Colonial Angel Grove to bring back the Rangers, Adam wants to bring Marissa with him to the Present Day, but she tells him "[her] place is here".
  • Identical Grandson: At the end, Adam meets a girl resembling Marissa. It's unclear if she's indeed a descendant of Marissanote .
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The Green Ranger's reaction after being free from the Wizard of Deception's spell. Tommy comforts him by saying it wasn't his fault.
  • Police Are Useless: Not much has changed for Angel Grove's law enforcers over the last two centuries it seems, with them fleeing the rats alongside the rest of the population and the powerless rangers. Then again when your leader is Skull's ancestor...
  • Tiger vs. Dragon: In addition to the White Ranger/Green Ranger rivalry, there's also a brief clash between the Dragonzord and Tigerzord.
