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Recap / Mighty Max S 1 E 5 Let Sleeping Dragons Lie

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A viking wizard's been tricked into thinking Skullmaster is the ancient god Loki, so that he'll wake up an ancient dragon who can split the world apart.


  • Big "NO!": Skullmaster makes one as Ravendark sacrifices himself to break the spell that woke up the Doom Dragon.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Norman's exploits were what inspired legends about the Viking god Thor. The dragon also somehow knows he was Sir Lancelot and Little John.
  • Carry A Big S Tick: Norman wields Mjolnir for the episode.
  • Forced Transformation: Ravendark's under a curse to turn into a raven outside the cave/throat of the Doom Dragon. He's cooperating with Loki/Skullmaster in exchange for the "god's" promise the spell will be broken for waking the dragon.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: The camera cuts away as Ravendark draws a knife to kill himself to put the Doom Dragon back to sleep.
  • Runic Magic: Ravendark inscribes runes to wake up the Doom Dragon.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: The episode has to twist itself in some knots to get the playset this was based on to fit with the Norse mythology it tries to adapt. In "Mighty Max Slays the Doom Dragon", Ravendark was a generic hooded sorcerer and the Doom Dragon a fairly generic car-sized scaly beast. There was no direct counterpart in Norse legend to a dragon that could push the world apart like the episode has going for it. So it could be thought of as a counterpart to either the Midgard Serpent, a snake so big it circled the entire world and had an enmity with Thor because they were fated to die fighting each other in Ragnarok, or Nithogg, a vaguely-described dragon-like creature that tried to chew through the trunk of the world tree and destroy everything, but is not mentioned having ever encountered Thor.
    • Then again, this episode makes a point of establishing that some legends are embellished from the real thing. Like Thor wasn't a god, he was an immortal human warrior who went on to inspire a bunch of other legends. Plus, the thing about Skullmaster being able to impersonate a Loki who was imprisoned underground is mythologically accurate.
  • Status Quo Is God: Norman throws Mjolnir into the ocean at the end of the episode for no clear reason.
