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Recap / Fire Emblem Heroes Book V

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Artist: Kozaki Yusuke

The fifth Book of the game, running from December 2020 to November 2021. See the opening cinematic here, midpoint cinematic here, and ending cinematic here in English and here in Japanese.

A new threat has come to Askr: the kingdom of Niðavellir and their mech steeds.

On April Fools' Day, a video of Reginn and Fafnir dancing to a remix of the book's theme was released here.


  • Easter Egg: Kozaki drew the key art to resemble the number "5", due to this being the fifth book of the game.
  • Foreshadowing: Reginn being able to enter the Tower of Niðavellir is a big clue to the truth of the royal family.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Some bosses are impossible to defeat since they are equipped with a special Sacred Seal (Niðavellir Axiom) that makes them completely immune to damage. They will seek the player's units out, and the only way the player can deal with them is to avoid them entirely before successfully surviving a specific number of turns.
  • Mickey Mousing: The opening movie has this, where everything is synced up with the music. In addition, compared to "Howling Gears", the Book V map music featuring the Niðavellir units, the movie's music has additional instruments played on certain parts to add emphasis to the actions onscreen, such as clanks and drops to add impact on both Alfonse and Reginn's attacks.
  • Rotating Arcs: During the relative lull in Book V updates in July 2021 for the Summer seasonal banners, Book II, which ended more than two years ago prior, has the characters of Nifl and Múspell gain focus again with the release of the Ice & Flame Tempest Trials+ Series and videos of the official Nintendo Channel.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 11: it turns out Fanfir came from another world as a result of Eitri's experiments and was trying desperately to come home. Otr then reveals the three aren't really siblings: he's the son of a commoner who was part of a coup that killed the real royal family and the only survivor was Reginn, meaning she is the true heir to the throne.
