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Recap / Digimon Ghost Game - E6 "The Cursed Song"

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  • Breather Episode: Downplayed, as the threat of the Digimon of The Week is still very much present in this episode, though Hiro's quest of trying to learn more about Digimon is put on the side here to make room for some karaoke-based antics.
  • Hollywood Tone-Deaf: Sirenmon's singing is... Quite bad to say the least, to the point that it causes great pain for those who hear it, and her attempt to sing it city-wide endangers a large amount of the population, causing the kids to take the battle to the Digital World to prevent more dangers to the real world. Later on, Hiro's revealed to be quite rough with singing as well when he tries to sing to get Sirenmon's attention, to the point that the others claim his singing is worse than Sirenmon's, though she finds it such a sincere attempt to sing that she's willing to talk with him, allowing the confrontation to end on a peaceful resolution.
