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Recap / Constantine S 1 E 12 Angels And Ministers Of Grace

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Season 1, Episode 12:

Angels and Ministers of Grace

A woman nervously walks down the street, and for good reason. Not only is she in a bad neighborhood, but the guy she's going to see is a drug dealer. Her brother's funeral is coming up, and she feels the need for a fix. Declining to stay, she walks back the way she came, only to be ambushed and brutally murdered. Elsewhere, Zed is meditating in an attempt to escape her visions... which takes a turn for the worse when she ends up needing a hospital.

Tropes present in this episode include:

  • Anti-Villain: Thomas Gaelon, who has shards of the black diamond lodged in his chest (which are what's really causing the rampage). To top it off, he actually goes to Heaven in the end.
  • Artifact of Doom: The black diamond, which invariably corrupts those who comes into contact with it.
  • Asshole Victim: The burn victim, who regularly gets into bar fights and is abusive to the hospital staff.
  • Berserk Button: Upon learning that Zed has a tumor, John loses it and binds Manny to the mortal realm.
    • Thomas does not like it when people waste their second chances.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Sci-Fi: Manny has sex with a human woman who's the lover of the body he's inhabiting. He does feel guilty about it, but John just mocks him for it.
  • Fish out of Water: Manny in the doctor's body. He's not very at home with technology... or women.
  • Heroic RRoD: Zed. It gets even worse when it's revealed that the source of her visions is a tumor in her brain.
  • It's All My Fault: John has this view on Zed's tumor, since he's the one who pushed her into following her visions so much. He denies it to Manny, who sees right through it.
  • Playing with Fire: Manny sets fire to the map.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: Manny gets violently sick upon finding a dead body. It's not the sight of it that affects him; it's the smell.
