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Recap / Bluey Featherwand

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Bluey and Mum are off to Chloe's party and Bingo isn't invited. When a passing cockatoo drops a feather, Bingo has an idea for a new game called "Featherwand," and when she waves her Featherwand, she can make objects impossibly heavy.


  • Furry Reminder: Bluey eats her "heavy" cereal on all fours.
  • Toilet Humor: In the end, Bluey and Bingo have fun with the magic feather-wand by making the toilet lid 'heavy'. Bandit, who needs to use the restroom really badly, has to resort to relieving himself in mother nature.
  • Wanting Is Better Than Having: Bingo initially wanted to go to Chloe's birthday party and even used the titular feather wand to achieve this. But once everyone relents that she can go, Bingo realizes that she's having too much fun with the magic feather to want to go to Chloe's party now.
