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Quotes / Van in Black

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Fan Fic

Of course, from that position, it was also harder—in fact, impossible—for Betty Cooper to see the car which pulled up to a stop on a bluff high above the beach. It was a dark car, with tinted windows. The driver got out, though it looked like it would have taken a couple of crowbars and some grease to fit his huge body behind the wheel. He wore a hat and trenchcoat, and he took a pair of binoculars out of the pocket of the coat. With those, he looked in the direction of the beach.


Outside the window is the black removers' van.
And now with sudden swift emergence
Come the woman in dark glasses and humpbacked surgeons
And the scissors man.
The Two, by W. H. Auden

Live-Action TV

"What is it with bad guys and vans?"
Casey, Chuck
