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Quotes / Trailer Joke Decay

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"Now keep in mind, this is the image that appears the most in all the advertising. The Turtle Guy. This is the character that they like to reeeally push. So, obviously, this is the comedic highlight of the movie. This is what they want you to remember the most."
The Nostalgia Critic, referring to the Turtle Club scene from The Master of Disguise

The first time I saw the coming attractions trailer for "Sister Act," I roared with laughter and delight. The second time, I laughed again. Even the third time I smiled. It's one of the great trailers.

Unfortunately, it's better directed than the movie. The trailer has high energy and whammo punchlines. The movie is sort of low-key and contemplative and a little too thoughtful.

Now I am left with this dilemma: Would I have enjoyed the movie more if I knew nothing about it, going in? That's a good question, since the trailer reveals almost every big laugh in the movie, so that when they come along we nod in recognition instead of laughing in surprise.
