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Quotes / Impossible Task Instantly Accomplished

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"He could have took another day. Added some art to the design. They told him he would get no sustenance until he was finished. That made him angry. He wanted a sandwich."
Drive (Dave Kellett), on the Rogue Maker, when told to "Isolate a single Quark with [a jar and some wires]."

Sonic: Will you date me? Breathe if yes. Recite The Bible in Japanese if no.
Shadow: はじめに神は天と地とを創造された。Translation 
Sonic: What the—?
Shadow: 地は井なく、をなしく、やみが淵のおもてにあり…Translation 
Sonic: …Is that actually the Bible?
Shadow: …神の霊が水のおもてをおおっていた。Translation 
Sonic: And you stopped breathing, too!?
Shadow: 神は「光あれ」と言われた。Translation 
Sonic: I would've preferred you just beat me up and called me gay!

"John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar... with a pencil, with a fucking... pencil. Then suddenly one day he asked to leave. It's over a woman, of course. So I made a deal with him. I gave him an impossible task. A job no one could have pulled off. The bodies he buried that day laid the foundation of what we are now."
Viggo explaining to his son Iosef how dangerous John Wick is, John Wick
