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Quotes / Disqualification-Induced Victory

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That is the ugliest sandcastle I've ever seen! What the hell? It's ugly, but you were the only contestant, so I guess you win.
Judge, Holiday Sim

Host: Doofenshmirtz wins by default!
Doofenshmirtz: By default! My favorite way to win!

Roper: Are you familiar with the racing fuel additive, nitromethane?
Chug: Oh, yeah! Zip juice! Go-go punch! That stuff will blur your vision and slur your speech!
Roper: It's illegal.
Chug: I mean, it's totally illegal. Wouldn't know what it looks like. Yeah, you were saying?
Roper: That substance was found in the tank of the fifth-place qualifier, Fonzarelli. Illegal fuel intake is an automatic DQ.
Dusty: Uh... w-w-w-wait, so you're saying...?
Roper: He's out, you're in. Congratulations.

"Your attention, please! After further review, Harvax and Stok have been disqualified for using a fake proboscis. Therefor, I give you the new winners of the Galactic Conjuction 6000: Wander and Sylvia!"
Galactic Conjunction 6000 announcer, Wander over Yonder

Buenamigo: Carol, I trust you're ready to admit defeat?
Freeman: I was about to say the same to you.
Buenamigo: (laughs) The Aledo trounced you!
Freeman: Sure, because it skipped analyzing signs of life on LT-358.
Buenamigo: Come on, that's a barren rock.
Freeman: But there was a chance it wasn't. I don't always love the constraints of the Prime Directive, but your little toy totally ignored it.
Buenamigo: Oh, stop. This is a rounding error!
Freeman: One that proves the Texas class isn't fit for duty. I'm sorry, Les, but I have to take this to the Council.
Star Trek: Lower Decks, "The Stars At Night"
