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Quotes / Blixty Slycat

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F-Zero? Isn't that the game known for nothing other than all your base are belong to us?
—On F-Zero

Is it bad that I really want an extensive quote page like Tzetze's?
—On Quote Pages

I have no inner nerd. Inner lots of things, not an inner nerd though, I can only assume this is because I am an outer nerd.
—On being a nerd.

The web is my window to the outside world, and I really don't enjoy being trapped in [my hometown].
—On smalltown wangst

Quote me, bitches.
—On being quoted

Let's run through the list here, shall we?
For one thing, if you're wearing a damn groucho mustache, bowler hat and glasses no shit people are going to tell you're wearing a fucking disguise. Fucking amateur, secondly, if you get caught red-handed (which you did) man up, don't be a pussy about it. Thirdly, you're a fucking yellow ball why do you need a disguise in the first place? You could easily go almost anywhere undetected if you weren't wearing that damn dime store getup. You could get on a plane, Muslims can't do that no more, but you could, because you're a fucking ball! Do you get where I'm going with this? You're honestly stupid enough to not only believe that you—let me reiterate this, a fucking ballneed a disguise, but that a toy mustache and a hat is a disguise, and not only that'' you think that saying "oop, I'm not wearing a disguise" is actually going to get you out of being caught.
Fucking noob.
—On disguises, From theWhat offends you about the previous post? game.

Well if you're close enough to give a mod a massage, you could ask while you're giving it to them.
—On messaging massaging the mods

Is murder still illegal in this country or...?
—On murder.

I will say that my favorite food is shoes

I once downloaded all of KISS' discography solely out of spite.
— On downloading all of KISS' discography solely out of spite.

You could ride a flaming evil red walrus named Rufus through the empire state building whilst yodeling, and someone could ask me if I knew what was going on, and I'd just be like "yep, that's Aondeug. She crazy."
—On Aondeug

You know what else everyone used to think was cool?
also smoking.
also Hitler
Yes, I just implied that research papers are worse than Satan, Hitler, and smoking put together. What'cha gonna do about it?
—On research papers

