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Playing With / Two Words: Added Emphasis

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Basic Trope: Someone declares the number of words they are going to use before they use them.

  • Straight: Pizza Pete says "Two words: Eat pizza."
  • Exaggerated:
    • Pete says "Two words: eat pizza. Three words: pizza is great. Four words: our pizza is best. Three more words: buy our pizza."
    • "One hundred and one words: Look at this slice of pizza. Doesn't it make you want to grab it right now and shove it in your mouth? Well, don't just sit and want. Go out now, and buy some pizza. Buy Pete's pizza; the pizza with the creamy tomato base, the melting cheese topping, sprinkled lovingly with herbs and drizzled delectably with olive oil. Available with a selection of toppings, including perfect peppers, marvellous mushrooms, heavenly ham and spicy sausage. Perfect for sharing with family and friends- but make sure you save a slice for yourself! So buy our pizza now, and satisfy your craving today."
  • Downplayed: Pete says "Put simply: pizza."
  • Justified: Pete is advertising pizza, and summing up his concept in just a few words makes it easier for people to remember.
  • Inverted: Pete says the number of words he used after he's said them. "I like pizza: that's three words."
  • Subverted: "Two words: are not enough to describe the love I feel for pizza..."
  • Double Subverted: "...But three words are: pizza is life."
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: ???
  • Enforced: The creators want a concept to appear simple to the audience, so they emphasise how few words it takes to sum it up to make it appear less complex.
  • Lampshaded: "Four words: counting words adds emphasis."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Pete decides not to do this because he's worried that he'll count the number of words wrong, and look silly.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Two words: Main page.
