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Playing With / Self-Disposing Villain

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Basic Trope Description: The villain destroys themselves, usually sparing the heroes from the task of disposing them.

  • Straight: It is the Final Battle. While the heroic Troperian troops are conquering his capital with ease, Emperor Evulz commits suicide in his bunker.
  • Exaggerated: While the Troperians are conquering his capital, Emperor Evulz kills his whole staff in his bunker and then uses his powers to vanish from existence, making everyone who ever knew who he was forget him in the process.
  • Downplayed: Seeing his imminent defeat, Emperor Evulz surrenders himself to the Troperians as their prisoner.
  • Justified: Emperor Evulz is an example of Stupid Evil.
  • Inverted: The heroes are so depressed by what they have gone through that they have crossed the Despair Event Horizon, can't go on, and kill themselves as soon as they are finally close enough to Emperor Evulz.
  • Subverted: The news spread that Emperor Evulz killed himself in his bunker, and some Troperian soldiers find something that looks like his burnt corpse. Evulz is declared dead, but some years later it turns out that he is only hiding in exile in Clicheria, preparing for his return.
  • Double Subverted: The return never happens. Evulz goes into depression in exile and kills himself.
  • Enforced: The storyboard wants to establish Emperor Evulz as a coward who doesn't even dare to fight the heroes himself at the end of the season.
  • Averted: The Troperian army storms Emperor Evulz' Supervillain Lair, and Alice, The Hero, kills Evulz.
  • Parodied: As soon as the heroes are close enough to kill him, Evulz drops dead from a Hollywood Heart Attack, since, in his opinion, they are so very fearsome.
  • Lampshaded: "Evulz is dead? Seems like we have nothing to do here anymore! Nice, like in the comics!"
  • Invoked: Evulz asks his staff what to do in case of defeat. Evulz' trusted Lieutenant Bad suggests to just kill himself, which makes Evulz take a dose of cyanide.
  • Discussed: "Evulz is dead!" "Who killed him?" "Well, the reward goes to himself."
  • Conversed: "The guy just died the same way as Hitler." "Well, he was a coward to begin with."
  • Implied: Alice and her unit storm Evulz' lair, only to find him dead with a gun still in his hand and a wound in the head.
  • Deconstructed: The news that Emperor Evulz killed himself without even trying to fight makes people view those like him as cowards who are mainly bragging about their strength. Fear of villains like him goes down in the years after the war.
  • Reconstructed: This leads to Lieutenant Bad becoming Emperor Bad, who in the end also chooses to dispose of himself when defeat is imminent.

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