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Playing With / Rather Inn-Accessible

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Basic Trope: An inn is an an impractical place.

  • Straight: Harry's Hotel is located in the middle of a desert, far from civilization.
  • Exaggerated: Harry's Hotel is in the middle of an active volcano. Half of the place is on fire.
  • Downplayed: Harry's Hotel is in a town, but it's a Ghost Town that doesn't get visitors that frequently.
  • Justified: There actually was people living there when Harry chose the location. But by the time the hotel was done being built, everyone had already moved away.
  • Inverted: Harry's Hotel is in the middle of a populated city, somewhere people likely would use a hotel.
  • Subverted: After traveling through a bunch of desert, the heroes come across Harry's Hotel, which seems strange. But continuing a few minutes more reveals there is a desert city nearby.
  • Double Subverted: The city was long abandoned before the hotel was built.
  • Parodied: Harry's Hotel is somewhere nobody can reach it (i.e. the bottom of the ocean), which begs the question of how it was even built in the first place.
  • Zig-Zagged: Harry's Hotel is in the middle of the desert. There was a town when it was built, but it's been abandoned in the years since. Later, though, the town gets rebuilt and is better than ever.
  • Averted: Harry's Hotel is in a logical place.
  • Enforced: Playtesters were getting frustrated by the desert level, and how much of a slog it was. The devs put in a hotel to give them a place to save and heal, regardless of how much sense it made.
  • Lampshaded: "Harry's Hotel? You mean the one super far from civilization?"
  • Invoked: Harry builds his hotel somewhere out of the way on purpose.
  • Exploited: On the off-chance that someone does happen to arrive, they'll have nowhere else to stay. The staff at Harry's Hotel bank on this.
  • Defied: Harry builds his hotel in a place people are sure to visit.
  • Discussed: "Look at that desert! Think we'll come across any inns here?" "I'd be surprised."
  • Conversed: "Sure is convenient that The Hero finds an inn there of all places."
  • Played for Laughs: Harry's Hotel is a chain that specializes in being found in the weirdest places possible.
  • Played for Horror: Harry's Hotel is an Eldritch Location... but it's not like you have anywhere else to stay, do you?

Brave the Arctic cold and check in at Rather Inn-Accessible.
