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Basic Trope: Characters try to guess what an art piece, especially one that is badly and/or minimalistically made is.

  • Straight: Bob draws a picture of a dog, and Alice questions if it's a cat.
  • Exaggerated: Bob draws a picture of a dog so badly that Alice's guesses range from a crocodile to a bear.
  • Downplayed: Bob draws a picture of a dog, and Alice asks if it's a wolf.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is unfamiliar with what Bob is drawing.
    • Bob is a Terrible Artist in some way - for instance, he's a small child.
  • Inverted: Bob draws a very badly-drawn dog, and Alice somehow recognizes it's a dog immediately.
  • Subverted: Alice expects Bob's badly drawn picture to be unrecognizable, but she easily identifies it as a dog without any confusion.
  • Double Subverted: Alice initially recognizes Bob's badly drawn picture as a dog, but upon closer inspection, realizes it's actually a cat.
  • Parodied: Alice can't even tell what realistically drawn images are supposed to be. She is shown a picture of The Mona Lisa, and asks if it's a sailboat.
  • Zig-Zagged: Different characters have varying abilities to guess what Bob's badly drawn art piece is. Some make accurate guesses, some wildly incorrect guesses, and some are uncertain.
  • Averted: Nobody guesses what an art piece is.
  • Enforced: The creator of the art piece intentionally makes it ambiguous or poorly drawn to provoke discussion or challenge traditional interpretations of art.
  • Lampshaded: Bob presents his poorly made art piece, and Alice sarcastically comments, "Oh, let me guess, it's a masterpiece, right?"
  • Invoked: Bob intentionally creates a poorly made art piece to confuse and challenge Alice to guess what it is, making it a game for them.
  • Exploited: Bob intentionally creates a confusing and ambiguous art piece, leading Alice to make wild guesses, while he enjoys her amusing reactions.
  • Defied: Bob draws a picture of a dog, and Alice confidently identifies it as a dog. Bob is surprised and says, "Wow, you actually got it right!"
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob have a conversation about how difficult it can be to interpret badly made art pieces, sharing their experiences of misidentifying such works.
  • Conversed: Alice and Bob talk about art in general, including the challenge of guessing what poorly made art pieces represent, even though it's not directly relevant to their current situation.

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