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Playing With / Pervy Patdown

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Basic Trope: A character uses a pat-down as an opportunity to grope another character, often exploiting a position of power or vulnerability, such as being tied up or under the control of a Dirty Cop.

  • Straight: Alice is searched by TSA agent Brittany, who gropes her breasts and crotch as she does so and makes obscene comments about her.
  • Exaggerated: Brittany makes Alice strip completely nude, gives her a full cavity search, briefly opens the door to let passengers gawk at her and “jokingly” kisses her and slaps her ass after finishing.
  • Downplayed: Brittany wolf-whistles at Alice after she strips and leers at her, but is otherwise professional.
  • Justified:
    • Brittany is a Psycho Lesbian who had driven her girlfriend away, is easily aroused by beautiful women and immoral enough to take advantage of them.
    • Alice screwed Brittany over in the past, so Brittany takes advantage of Alice's misfortune to humiliate and annoy her.
  • Inverted: While Brittany is searching her, Alice takes off more clothes than needed, makes homophobic comments about Brittany, teases and propositions her and pretends to get aroused from the search.
  • Subverted: Alice is in a vulnerable position, tied up and at the mercy of Brittany, who appears to be a Dirty Cop ready to perform a pervy patdown. However, when Brittany starts the patdown, she surprises everyone by conducting a completely professional and respectful search, disregarding the expectations of inappropriate behavior.
  • Double Subverted: However, as the search progresses, Brittany's actions become increasingly invasive.
  • Parodied:
    • Brittany is Alice’s Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up.
    • Brittany makes Alice strip completely nude in public and makes her dance in front of the other passengers so whatever she’s hiding would fall out. Brittany “loses” the clothes afterwards and Alice has to go on her flight naked due to having an important meeting.
  • Averted: Alice is suspected of carrying a weapon, and Brittany performs a thorough but professional pat-down to ensure everyone's safety, without any inappropriate actions. The trope does not occur in the story, and any pat-downs involving Alice and Brittany are carried out professionally and respectfully, without any inappropriate behavior.
  • Defied:
    • Alice firmly asserts her boundaries and refuses to comply with any pervy behavior from Brittany during the pat-down, making it clear that she will not tolerate any misconduct.
    • Alice sues Brittany for sexual harassment after the patdown.
  • Zig-Zagged: Throughout the story, Alice and Brittany encounter different scenarios of pat-downs. Some instances involve a pervy patdown from Brittany, while others are conducted professionally, creating a mixed portrayal of the trope.
  • Enforced: The trope is included in the story to highlight the unethical behavior of Brittany and the vulnerability of Alice, shedding light on the issue and its impact on the characters involved.
  • Lampshaded: Another character comments or makes a remark about Brittany's inappropriate behavior during the pat-down, acknowledging it within the narrative.
  • Discussed: Alice and Brittany engage in a conversation about the pervy patdown trope, discussing its prevalence, the discomfort it causes, or the need for stricter regulations to prevent such misconduct.
  • Conversed: The pervy patdown trope is brought up in a conversation between unrelated characters, discussing its portrayal in media or real-life incidents, without direct involvement of Alice and Brittany.
  • Invoked: Alice intentionally sets up a situation where she knows she will be subjected to a pervy patdown from Brittany, aiming to catch her in the act or gather evidence against her inappropriate behavior.
  • Exploited:
  • Played for Laughs: The trope is used in a comedic context, with exaggerated reactions or absurd situations that highlight the ridiculousness of Brittany's pervy patdown attempts on Alice.
  • Played for Drama: Brittany rapes Alice.
  • Played for Horror: The trope is used to create a sense of fear, discomfort, or revulsion, emphasizing the violation and abuse of power involved in Brittany's pervy patdowns on Alice.
  • Implied: The story hints at or suggests that Brittany may have performed pervy patdowns on Alice off-screen or in the past, without explicitly showing the details.
  • Unparodied: The trope is not parodied or subverted but is instead played straight, with a straightforward portrayal of Brittany using a pat-down as an opportunity for inappropriate behavior towards Alice.
  • Untwisted: The trope is set up as a potential subversion, with the expectation that Brittany will not engage in a pervy patdown, but ultimately she does, without any unexpected twist.
  • Deconstructed: The story explores the negative consequences and impact of Brittany's pervy patdowns on Alice, highlighting the trauma and violation experienced by Alice and the legal and ethical repercussions for Brittany.
  • Reconstructed: The trope is deconstructed to examine the underlying power dynamics, consent issues, and abuse of authority. It is then reconstructed by showing how Alice and other characters work to address these issues, advocate for change, or support the victims.
