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Playing With / Pervert Revenge Mode

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Basic Trope: A man accidentally does something perverted around a woman, who chases him angrily.

  • Straight: Bob is on the beach looking for the sauna. He accidentally walks into the women's showers instead and sees Alice showering. She notices him, thinks he did it on purpose, and chases after him in a rage.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice tries to murder Bob for accidentally walking into her shower and seeing her nude.
    • Unprovoked Pervert Payback — Bob didn't do anything that could be interpreted as perverted, but Alice is still angry and calls him a pervert.
    • It's not just Bob but several men who weren't looking where they were going and inadvertently see Alice nude.
    • It's not just Alice but several angry and embarrassed nude women who chase Bob.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Alice has had experience with perverts and so has a zero-tolerance policy.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender-Inverted:
    • Bob bumps into a shirtless Charlie, who angrily chases after him, mistaking him as a Depraved Homosexual.
    • Alice bumps into a naked Carol, who angrily chases after her, mistaking her as a Psycho Lesbian.
    • Alice is looking for the sauna but accidentally walks into the men's showers. An angry, embarrassed, naked Bob chases her out of there.
  • Subverted:
    • It turns out that Alice was only kidding.
    • Bob, looking for the sauna, accidentally goes into the women's shower room, has a silent Oh, Crap! when he realizes where he is and expects to be chased any moment, but he isn't.
    • Bob is in the women's shower room, but Alice backs off when she realizes he's the janitor or blind.
    • Bob is in the women's shower room because Alice asked him to see her there.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
    • Alice and Bob pass while they're both fully clothed. Alice assumes Bob must have been mentally undressing her and chases after him.
    • Alice is going nude in public and when Bob passes her, she chases after him as if he were a pervert, even though plenty of people could see every bit of her and have.
    • Alice chases Bob and he surrenders just to avoid a confrontation even though she's a small fraction of his size.
    • Alice chases Bob out of the women's shower room ... as part of their foreplay, where they have exhibitionist sex just outside.
    • Alice chases Bob to the other side of the world.
    • Alice was washing in the men's shower by mistake, so it should have been Bob who chased her, if anything.
    • Alice is a figment of Bob's imagination, or vice versa. Alice looks silly running after somebody who isn't there (compounded by her nudity), while Bob looks silly running away from somebody who isn't there.
    • Alice and Bob were having consensual sex together when she snaps and decides to chase him.
    • Bob finds naked women in every room he enters and they always chase after him.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Alice gets mad and starts to chase Bob, but then decides not to since it may have been a mistake ... but she still scowls at him.
    • Bob walks into a room with multiple naked women who react in different ways. Betty takes his arrival with amusement and puts on an impromptu show; Carol just puts on Hand-or-Object Underwear; and Alice, who is convinced Bob intruded deliberately, chases him.
    • Bob walks in on Alice while she's naked several times. Sometimes she chases him, sometimes she gives him a show, sometimes she interacts with him normally, sometimes she ignores him, and other times she doesn't even notice him.
    • Bob and Alice take turns walking in on each other while they're naked.
  • Averted:
    • Bob finds the sauna without going into the wrong room.
    • Bob isn't going anywhere near the showers or the sauna.
    • Alice understands that Bob walking in on her in the shower was an accident.
    • Alice and Bob know each other and are so open that they see each other naked more often than clothed.
    • Alice doesn't notice Bob.
    • Bob goes into the wrong room, but there's nobody there. He realizes his mistake on his own and leaves undetected with no harm done.
  • Enforced: The executives asked the writers to add this scene between Bob and Alice because they believe it will be a comedic, Fanservice-y, and memorable moment for the viewers. If the viewers make memes about it, so much the better.
  • Lampshaded: "If I were as much of a pervert as she thinks I am, I'd want her to chase me!"
  • Invoked: "And if a man sees you showering, chase after him like a rabid dog!"
  • Exploited:
    • Alice wants the sauna to herself, so she strips naked and waits for Bob to come in, betting that he'll assume he made a mistake when she starts chasing him.
    • Alice switches the signs on the respective doors to trick Bob so she can do this.
    • Bob's rival spreads the word that he's a pervert to diminish his reputation among non-perverted men.
    • Bob spreads the word that he's a pervert to enhance his reputation among perverted men.
  • Defied: "Nah, it's not worth chasing him over."
  • Discussed: "Remember when I accidentally walked into the women's showers? That lady wouldn't stop chasing me!" "Did she keep chasing you while naked?"
  • Conversed: "Haha, that scene with the angry lady chasing the guy who walked into the women's showers by mistake was hilarious!" "Er... I don't understand how that Cliché is funny at all."
  • Implied: Bob is seen walking offscreen, then we hear an angry woman's cry of "Pervert!" and a scuffle, and Bob isn't really a pervert.
  • Deconstructed: Alice chases out everybody who comes into the shower... and eventually she just chases out other women who need showers.
  • Reconstructed: But when she catches Charlie peeping on her, she decides she was right to be overly suspicious.
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
  • Played for Horror:
  • Untwisted: Alice was kidding about chasing Bob ... but it's a set-up to get him arrested, whereupon she beats him up as originally threatened.

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